Sunday, August 10, 2014

BBQ at the Grist Mill!!!

Save the date!
We've been invited back to Sister Archers for a visit to the Grist Meal and a BBQ on Saturday - 23 Aug 2014!!  12-1:00 pm until.....
Sister Archer has graciously offered her porch (with a fantastic view and plenty of seating) and her newly cleaned BBQ for our use on Saturday 23 August.

We need to provide the meat for the grill as well as side dishes, drinks and paper plates and cups.
A list of those planning on going would be nice so that we can better plan what to bring and plan car-pooling as well!

This has been a great event in the past and I have no reason to think this one won't be the same! 

If you've never been, you'll probably want to contact me for directions!?!?  lol

My job schedule has changed and I will be working until 7pm over in Portland.  This will make my involvement at FHE somewhat limited.  Email, comments on this blog and phone calls are all options available to contact me!   :-)


  1. This sounds great! I'll be there~ I plan to grill a salmon and I'll have kale salad.

  2. I will also be doing something with fresh green beans, grape tomatoes, and garlic. Do we know how many plan to join us at the Mill?
